Knight Frank’s latest report—Brick by Brick 2021, shares deep insights into the development and status of affordable housing in India. The report also talks about how the focus on PE funds on the ESG goals can bring positive social change along with stable risk adjusted returns.

With the current success of ‘Housing for All’, existence of the affordable housing market is well established in India.

Future programmes will have to focus on ironing out various issues in sub-markets comprising of leasing markets, sale markets, development markets, project finance and Housing Finance markets. This will facilitate development of a self-reliant and well-functioning affordable housing industry.

A Knight Frank India research report on affordable housing in India, as shared by Tick Property Mohali and Zirakpur.

In addition to sharing the numbers and status of affordable housing in different states, in the larger context of the affordable housing plans for the years 2022 and 2030, the report talks about:

  • Creation of affordable housing marketplace would be critical
  • Sub-constituents of affordable housing marketplace
  • How subsidy is not going to be enough
  • Why and how the change momentum would have to be sustained
  • The project development market
  • The demand supply mismatch
  • Changing business models and case studies

Mohali and Zirakpur Real Estate

There are many affordable housing projects in Chandigarh and Mohali. A few established residential real estate owners and builders are planning new projects for the affordable housing segment, for their specific needs and budget. If you are looking for a new home, see Mohali Airport Roads and contact us anytime.

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